Brad- I admit, as an 81 year old, I'm skeptical about the safety issue...the ability of the dishonest smart folks out there to beat your system. But that skepticism aside, if you can prove that it can be a safe system, go for it!! I admire the attempt...100%. The low voting turnout in this country is a disgrace.

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I'm OK with low turnout if we continue to have such an uninformed public. Many could not pass a citizenship test, tell you who is on the Supreme Court, tell you the 3 branches of government, etc.

They are celebrity obsessed, and will whatever Taylor Swift tells them to do or think that they are getting news from Stephen Colbert. It's frightening that those people vote.

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But Jan, it seems to me that, even worse than the uninformed, are the millions who are MIS-informed. It's no secret to any of us that Fox "News" lies consistently. Those lies cost Fox $787 million. Fox may be more subtle about it now, but they still lie consistently. And they still have a huge audience. And what do those millions of their fans hear...lies, gross exaggerations and conspiracy theories. Ask a fan of Fox "News" about almost anything that Donald Trump has done. I'm damn sure that the answer will be far...very far...from what really happened. I think I prefer to have an uninformed voter than one of them.

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What we need are informed voters, not necessarily more voters. If you are too lazy to show up to the polls to vote, you clearly are not all that interested in the election.

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I’m on board. Great solution to the primary issue that most Americans don’t even understand. Let’s do it!

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I agree with the premise that if we make it easier to vote more people will vote and that might reduce the control/influence of the extremes wining. I also know that the media will fight this idea as they are the purveyors of political thought and have moved from reporting the facts to favoring their tribe.

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